I understand that Safal100 is a certificate digital training program covering basic foundation course for first 3 months followed by advance course of programming languages for the next 9 months. Considering the challenge due COVID pandemic, Safal100 was online. However, post COVID, Digikul training centers have been established and built capacity to train in the classroom. Digikul centers are equipped to offer training offline as well as online. Program encourages resource poor students and special categories to take the benefit. Program is known as Safal100 BASIC and Safal100 Advance. Safal100 BASIC aims to make candidates proficient in handling computer applications. Safal100 Advance aims to transform a class X pass student comfortably in application development.
Safal100 training program assumes the proactive participation of the candidate. It reinforces self-learning (Swadhyay) attitude of the candidate. I am first joining the Safal100 BASIC course and I commit to give minimum 2 hours per day for the purpose of learning the digital applications. I commit to follow the instructions sent to me with respect to the training program for doing the assignment and joining all relevant meetings as per the schedule. I understand that for joining the Safal100 Advance course, I must commit at least 4 hours for the subject and another 2 hours for physical and mental activities like yoga and Jeevan Vidya and soft skill classes. I commit that I will participate in all the tests and examinations honestly on time.